Friday, August 26, 2011

New Adventures Ahead

Well, its been awhile... ha ha...
Since the last time I posted, many different things have happened.  I've been on the job hunt for about 5 months now and after waiting and waiting to hear about a job offer, I finally received one the day after I interviewed, the only disappointing thing was it was my number 3 choice, but an offer is an offer.  Dustin and I discussed it over and over and I finally decided I should call my number 1 choice and see where they were in their decision making process.  Well come to find out, the didn't want me because Dustin's in the military and their is no guarentee how long we will be in the area and they want someone who could stay around long term. 
So, I decided to take the first offer I received as a Pharmacy Clerk, a fancy way of saying a cashier, which was an alright job, but not what I really wanted to do.  But a job is a job right?? Of course, the day after I accepted the offer I got another phone call from MLT Vacations, offering me a job with them... so it came down to what to take. Now I had one too many choices... ahhhhhhhhh!!
Well after many many hours of deliberating and talking to many different people, I finally had to make a list to find out what job would be best. And I finally decided on MTL Vacations. 
I'm looking forward starting my training at the end of September.
Now the next big step is to get Ben into daycare.....
Also, I started school for my Master's Degree, which was kind of a last minute decision but I'm very excited out it.  I hope that I can get it done within a year.
Benjamin had been a character like always.  He finally learned how to ride his tricycle, and it was the neatest thing to watch... its was like a light bulb turned on and it was so amazing to see.  So to wear him out now he rides is bike down to the mailbox, or to the park.  He also wants friends to play with so badly, today we went to the park and little did I know there was a squadron picnic going on.  Ben walks up to the other kids and starts talking to this little girl and they ended up playing together for a very long time and I ended up talking to the mom, and we seemed to hit it off pretty well too.  So we will have our playdate next week at storytime at the library and see what happens from there.
Well I can't think of anything else to talk about at the moment and I know for those of you who read this, probably already know all of this but this is our new adventures coming up!!

**No playlist today, watching "The Kids Are Alright" which I have yet to decide if I actually like it.**

Monday, August 1, 2011

Its Been Awhile...

It seems like that will always be the title of these blogs!! I think about writing, but somewho something always comes up... so where to begin. Last post was while we were visiting in Ohio.  It was a decent time, enjoyed seeing most of the family, some more than others but I think that is normal to say the least. 
While we were there, we went to Kings Island, where Ben took a nice "trip" in the water park area and ended up with a lovely boo-boo... luckily he bouces back quickly and we still could enjoy the rest of the time there.  I think I ended up riding one adult ride, but it was worth the joy on Ben's face to have a good time... except the boo-boo & the rollercoaster... not a big fan of it!
We had a family reunion while we were there and that was a nice time... 4th of July with 40+ people, how could you not have fun! We also went to the zoo and the grocery store atleast 3-4 times a week!

When Ben & I returned to our humble abode, I had to start cleaning!! Dad, Mom & Travis were coming to visit only a mear 3 days after we returned home... needless to say, I didn't get much done! But luckily they dont seem to mind much.  Mom and I unpacked the office, scrapbooking room, and under the stairs... all areas that needed ALOT off work... but it wasn't all work.  We also went to Mt. Rushmore. What a great time, camping and sightseeing.  Ben loved seeing the "faces" and enjoyed the pool, minigolf, icecream shop, marshmellows (marshnellows) and the fire.  But it was a great time for us all.  Charlie even seemed to enjoy himself. :)

The day before grandma & pop left, Ben decided to go to the potty.  Not sure why, but I'm not complaining... now this has been my "full" time job... it has had its ups and downs, but its coming along.  Most days he does really well and I have only had to change him after he has taken a nap or gets up in the morning... Except today, he pooped in his underwear and let me say, that is just disgusting!! Its funny how it doesn't bother me in his diapers, but in the underwear, its just not right!!

Still on the job hunt... I'm hoping to get a call back from a local pharmacy in town, but nothing yet.  Now I have to really start getting at it because unemployment is starting to get harder and harder...

Well laundry is calling my name as much as I hate to admit it!! Part of my "job". 

Oh, I lost 6 pounds this week! Very excited about it... now only another 62pounds to go... according to my little tracker, if I lose 2 pounds per week, then I will reach my goal by March 2012... Hope I can! :)

Todays Blog Music... Francesca Battistelli : Paper Heart Album

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Where are we now?!?!

Well, its been along time... whew, where to begin....
We are starting to get settled into the house, still lots to get done (like the Internet hooked up) and boxes put away.  The downstairs is coming along, although still some items need to be put away but coming along all the same.  The upstairs is a slower process, not sure why that is but it does take some time.  Ben's room and our room are almost done, but I haven't even begun the office.
We have went on some trips up to Omaha to get the rest of our stuff that was left at Grandma Barbs house.  Then a few short days later Ben and I came to Ohio, which is where this post is coming from!

Benjamin:  Alot of change for the little guy, but I think he is adapting well to it all... atleast he seems to be.  His new phrase is "Sting like a beaver" which comes from the movie Cars, I do think he has watched it one too many times! He enjoyed the plane right to Ohio, the first plane wasn't big enough to suit him, but he did enjoy it because he got his own seat and he watched a movie on my phone.  I love the power of technology!! The second plane was a lot bigger and he seemed to enjoy that, wanting to fly it himself, but instead he slept the entire way, which was good.  Once we got to Ohio he had a great time in the car with Colin, laughing and watching movies and or course they had to wrestle when they got to Pop and Grandmas house.  He is so excited about sleeping in a big boy bed and has done really well, of course, he has yet to take a nap while we have been here, so he sleeps really well at night! Now he is off playing with his cousins.

Diane: Its been a busy couple of weeks, but enjoying the time to do these things... My great grandma passed away on June 13, sad but she is in a better place and not in pain anymore, which I'm glad about.  Of course, I wish I could have seen her one more time but I have the great memories of our last 2 visits and how much she enjoyed meeting and seeing Ben.  Trying to plan the next month and then once everything settles down again, then the job hunt continues!

Dustin: Poor hubby is at home with Charlie, wish he could have made the trip with us, but unfortunately couldn't get time off work... Charlie got his new fence installed so I'm sure he is happy.  Dustin is working on getting the garage cleaned up so when we get back we might be able to put a car in it!!

I know this was a quick post, but I actually got a minute with no kid(s) around and thought I would not waste a minute!! Hope you enjoy more to come soon...

**No music today, but the lovely sound of grandma vacuuming instead**

Thursday, May 26, 2011

I Love When Rainbows Are In the Sky, That Means the Rain is Gone!

Well it looks like we will be getting our trailer delivered sometime today, so there is a good possiblity that I might be able to sleep in my bed! That is the best news ever... I have enjoyed the closeness of sleeping next to Dustin, however I do enjoy my California King Size Bed even more!!
I think its a little weird to say, but I'm looking forward to unloading the truck... not the work part as much as the putting stuff into the house and being able to relax knowing that it is our house!
Now, we just have to work on getting the other house sold!

Benjamin: Took a bath in the tiny tub yesterday and I think he enjoyed it more than a regular bath tub... he is a strange child!  He kept saying that he was on a slide and kept sliding back -n- forth, pretty funny.  We went to the park yesterday where I think he went down the slide like 20 times... but this a big deal for him considering it was an enclosed slide, which normally he will not go down.  And he is getting braver, climbing the ladder and going across the bridges without holding on with two hands.  Nap time is still a struggle, but the nice part is he is asking to go to bed, so I don't have to fight with him on that.  When he gets up, he comes out and says "Mommy, I woke up... I did all night long" which I think he means he slept all night long, but he wont really say.  His new favorite thing is the yogurt in the tube, I think its because it has Cars on it, but its hard to say... he asks for it all the time.
Yesterday we drove by the airport and I told him that we were going to be going on a trip soon to see his Pop and Grandma.  He was pretty excited about it... he said he wants to go there now, but Grandma isn't at the airport, she was at home watching Charlie and cooking dinner.  I feel bad for him, he has so many Grandparents that I think he is just confused all the time!  But, it will be fun going to Ohio since everyone will be there for him to see! Including Daisy :)

Dustin: We signed for the house yesterday, went and checked it out, and then put our name on the house.  Also had lunch with Daddy before he had to go back to work.  His new favorite thing is playing some game on his phone and he has almost finished reading his second book out of the series that I bought him.  He just found out that he will be working swing shift which is 3-11, not too excited about it but I guess it isn't overnight...  I'll have to get more imput from him, his sections of the adventures doesn't seem very exciting. :p

Diane: Another exciting day here in North Dakota... called and going to get the trailor delivered today!  For not doing a whole lot yesterday, I sure did fall asleep early last night and didn't want to get up this morning when Ben cock-a-doodle-dooed to me... it was def another 5 minutes moment! Kind of crazy that tomorrow is my 28th birthday, don't really feel any older, but I'm sure many people will point it out!  I started looking into going back to school for Radiology Tech, have to get my transcripts and take them in there to see what will transfer, would really like to take the least amount of classes possible! We are also looking at new washer and dryers, will be nice to have a nice set, just not too excited about the cost of them... but I guess that goes with anything!!

Well we are off to go and run some errands and see what else we can get into... I'm sure going to the park will be in there somewhere! Hope your enjoying our adventures! More to come later!!

*Playlist: Calling Levi-Above all power, Dixie Chicks-Landslide, Casting Crowns- If we are the body, Martina McBride-When God Fearin' Women Get the Blues, Tim McGraw-Something Broken, Casting Crowns-Voice of Truth*

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The First of Many....

This post begins sitting in the RV waiting to go meet Dustin to sign for our house! We are all extremely excited about getting the house, some more than others I believe.... as much fun as it is to live in an RV, it isn't for me. However, camping in it will be a fun experince, better than sleeping in a tent anyways.

Benjamin:  He enjoys being in Daddy's "house bus" but I think he is like his mom and wants a little more space to roam and make a mess... he enjoys playing outside, especially at the park.  His new favorite thing is playing baseball.  He also always enjoys playing with his cars, along with watching the movie (over and over). 
His new room will be a combo of Toy Story and Cars, I think he will enjoy it!  He will also be getting a big boy bed in the new house.  He has been doing extremelly well sleeping in the RV, except nap time, and has only fallen off the bed once.  Now when I lay him down for a nap, we read a book and then he looks at me with his cute little face, and says "You rub my back, okay?" Unfortunetly I didn't resist the cuteness the first time, and now he asks for it everytime he lays down. 
Its been a rough time for the little guy, but hes been a trooper through it all... I think he is just ready to go home.  And back to a "normal" routine.  We will also really start potty training once we get into the house.  I think we would have been doing ok if we wouldn't have moved... makes it very stressful.

Dustin: He is now working on B-52s, not too crazy about this change and I think he will always be a C-130 guy.... loyalty to your aircraft.  I think he has worked more 12 hour shifts here than he has in the last 8 years, its a big crazy, but will be nice living on base so he will be closer to home.  I think he will be excited for us to be back so he can start driving his truck again (which I dented on Mother's Day and will never live down!)
And just for the record, Dustin is an amazing husband and dad!
*This is written by Diane, so not much on Dustin, more later*

Diane: It has been an experience not working for once in my life.... I have enjoyed it for the most part, but I think God is trying to teach me patience, being stuck in a RV with a 2 year old on a rainy day can just about make me use all the patience I have, and unfortunetly I don't have much! But I wouldn't change these months for anything... I didn't realize how much I wasn't around Ben and I love being with him, even if he does drive me crazy.  I love talking to him about Jesus and reading him stories, probably my most favorite part of the day.  And it is truely amazing to see how much he does understand. 
I am looking forward to the next month or so... we are moving into the house on my birthday! Then Ben and I will be going to my mother-in-laws house in Omaha to get the rest of our stuff, help with a garage sale and watch the play Wicked.  Then we are coming back here for about a week, then flying to Ohio to visit the family and have a family reunion.  Then my family is coming back to visit us and maybe go camping!  Whew! Thats alot of stuff to do, and find a job in the process....
Once we get back we are getting into a routine, including working out. I really need to get back into it... its frustrating because it is extremely difficult for me to lose weight since they dignosed me with Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).  I am on medicine for it, but there really isn't anything that can help other than Birth Control, and that would defeat the purpose since we are trying to have another child.  But, making myself healthy even if I don't lose weight will be a good thing because PCOS also causes diabetes and thyroid issues, so if I make myself healthy to avoid those two issues that will be good! Just hard to get motivated, but it WILL happen!!

Well, that is all for this first post, time to go sign for the house! and maybe go to the park! Looking forward to posting more of our adventures.  Hope you enjoyed reading!

*Playlist for this post: Casting Crowns-The Alter and the Door, 3 Doors Down-It's the Only One You've Got, Revive-Blink, Calling Levi-I Can Only Imagine, and Howie Day-Collide*